Excision Walkthrough
I take things too seriously sometimes. As far as I’m aware, I’ve always been like that. When I was a kid, I knew, deep down, that walkthroughs were bad. Maybe they weren’t quite morally wrong, but they were certainly pushing it. You can probably ask my brother how I felt about walkthroughs. He was often on the receiving end of my scorn when he used a website to figure out a particularly difficult puzzle. “That’s not the way you’re SUPPOSED to do it!” Children can be so vicious. Little did I know I would eventually be publishing my own walkthrough.
Hopefully I have done my fair share of maturing. Games, I realize almost two decades later than everyone else, are intended to be fun by definition. If utilizing a guide makes the game more entertaining for you, then by all means, use it. Enjoy the little things in life the way you like them, not the way that you’re “supposed” to, or the way that others tell you you should. It’s better to learn these things late than never, right?
I’ve had a tremendous amount of fun putting this game together. That being said, I am still taking things very seriously, and have also viewed this as a learning experience. I’ve never tried to market anything before. To put it lightly, I failed terribly. Most of the code that I wrote for this game is rather different than the style of code I write for work. Anyone with any web development experience would have a few things to say about my email script.
“Whatever. This is my first time, and my next one will be better.” Tell yourself that and go try something new. Learn something difficult.
Needless to say, the following link contains spoilers. It also contains a pretty awesome story. While I fully encourage the use of this document, only use it if you know that’s what you want to do.
[This link has been temporarily removed]
Until next time,