These are a majority of side projects I’ve worked on over the years, listed in chronological order. The one(s) pinned at the top are projects under active development.
Fractal Logo
How and why I designed the fractal tree logo for the blog using Turtle and Seaborn. (Spring, 2020)
A collection of arcade-style audio games for MazeDay 2017. My first group coding. (Fall, 2017)
A web app to help groups make decisions one where to go to lunch. My first web app. (Summer, 2017)
Youtube History
A quick analysis of all Youtube videos in a user’s history. Surprisingly popular. (Summer, 2016)
A notpron-like treasure hunt to teach computer skills. My first project to have users. (Fall, 2015)
The Revenge of Arius
A two player, turn based, tower defense game. My first independent coding project. (Summer, 2014)