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Calculating a Pearson Correlation Matrix

less than 1 minute read

     One of the great things about graduate school is you get to constantly realize how ignorant you are about how things work. If the domain name weren’t al...

Bot Battle

1 minute read

For those of you who don’t program, it may be hard to understand just how slow a process it usually is. Movies and other media don’t help this misunderstandi...

The Perceptron

less than 1 minute read

Today in lab meeting, during our bi-weekly “Idea Potluck”, I dropped the ball while explaining how perceptrons work. We were running short on time, so I rush...

Bioinformatics Software

1 minute read

This isn't a long post, but I read something interesting the other day and wanted to repost it. First, here's the link to the blog:  http://www.bioinf...

Excision Walkthrough

1 minute read

I take things too seriously sometimes. As far as I’m aware, I’ve always been like that. When I was a kid, I knew, deep down, that walkthroughs were bad. Mayb...

Excision Winner Announcement

less than 1 minute read

Congratulations to Ankur Sundara for being the first person to complete Excision! For his dedication and problem-solving abilities, he’s won the first place ...

Base Camp

3 minute read

Welcome to Excision. Before we set off on our adventure, I think it’s only fair to give you some provisions for your journey. They come mostly in the form o...

The Protein Folding Answer

4 minute read

I need to issue a disclaimer before anything else. The script below is most definitely NOT the answer to protein folding. In fact, I make no claims at all ab...