Do you know the answer? Do you know the question?
Do you know the answer? Do you know the question?
First, if you’ve never had the opportunity to visit xkcd, I highly suggest you do it. It’s a wonderful website. My personal favorite is the What If? feature....
I’ve mostly refrained from posting any of the code that I’ve been writing in the past months because the code seems scraped together in a “just get it done” ...
I had to follow a few different explanations on how to employ syntax highlighting on Blogger before I found a set of instructions that worked. In case anyone...
I’m usually not a huge fan of television, but recently it has been convenient to watch an episode of something or other with my wife after dinner. I reason t...
Yesterday I spent several hours attending an ethics class as well as a ethics/policy seminary. Both were great, and while I haven’t had a large amount of tim...
I’m giving my first poster talk of my graduate school career tomorrow, along with approximately half of my cohort (the other half had their posters toda...
I just began my second of three rotations this week, so it’s been a busy transition time. But I thought I would share this short genomics video. It’s really ...
With my Birthday, Black Friday, and Christmas all right around the corner, I haven’t been able to keep myself from thinking about the possibility of purchasi...
A few weeks ago I was jokingly asked by a friend (who has never set foot in a lab) if I had made any great discoveries that week. I had just finished confirm...