Posts by Year


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2024 New Year’s Resolution

5 minute read

My New Year’s Resolution for 2024 was a bit off the beaten path for resolutions: I wanted to be out of Tucson for at least 12 weekends, ideally once a month....


less than 1 minute read

Humble is as Humble does. Subtle can be Muscle flush. Stumble now, and trouble thus: Jumble, Mumble, come Fuss. Puzzle is the Shuffle of; K...

One New Food Per Grocery Run

1 minute read

Without particularly trying, I’ve fallen into the habit this year of making sure one food that I don’t normally buy ends up in my shopping cart when I go to ...

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2023 New Year’s Resolution Success!

2 minute read

It’s been a long time since I’ve made a New Year’s Resolution. I’m decent at sticking to a goal or plan once it’s made, so I usually don’t tie myself to New ...


5 minute read

I just got back from Tunisia for the first time since I was 5-6, and wanted to capture some of my thoughts in a standard travel blog post. Here’s a highlight...

Zesty Beef Gnocchi

less than 1 minute read

I’ve been enjoying spending a lot of time in the kitchen recently, and have been playing around with some recipes I’ve made. Incidentally, I’ve also been lis...

Four Years of Invitae

9 minute read

This was my last week at Invitae after four years there. It was my first industry role, and fully qualified as a “journey”. Because I’m continuing to experim...

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Forgetting How to Care

3 minute read

It’s the wrong season for this sort of melancholy post, and yet, it’s also the most fitting. Going home for the holidays is supposed to be joyful: full of wa...

Children of the Corn

1 minute read

When I first learned to drive, my friend Seth and I took a short roadtrip to visit my cousin Becca at Ball State University in Southern Indiana. She introduc...

Arriving in Canada

7 minute read

I just happened across this piece of writing from June of 2018, when I interned at Google in Waterloo Canada. It’s a fun piece, so I figured it was worth col...

Hobbies I’m Trying Right Now

1 minute read

Sometimes, though certainly not always, I worry that I’ve over indexed my identity on my career. Lately, this feeling, combined with my tendency to allow my ...

Class night: T-tests and Linear Regression

less than 1 minute read

We had our first class night, which was a lot of fun. I’ve been meaning to reread this blog post Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach...

20 things I learned in my 20s

11 minute read

I turned 30 recently and have always enjoyed Sam Altman’s The days are long but the decades are short post. I decided to write something similar. A few notes...

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Get your First Git Contribution

2 minute read

I had a friend transition from her PhD to industry recently, and she messaged me expressing some annoyance at learning git.

Softdroid Interview

2 minute read

I got interviewed by a Russian tech news site recently, which isn’t something I ever expected to say. Kinda cool:

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3 minute read

The internet is pretty cool; right now I’m watching some Harvard lectures on advanced algorithms. This one’s about sorting.

A Retrospective of InPyBio-20

12 minute read

I recently finished teaching my first virtual CodeStories class, Intermediate Python for Bioinformatics 2020 (InPyBio-20). The course was eight weeks long an...

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A Method for Writing Cohesively

5 minute read

Before Junior year of high school, I was a terrible writer. Terrible. For a given assignment, I’d have some insightful thought in my head, clear as day, and ...

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Sphinx Documentation with Numpydoc

less than 1 minute read

I’m finally back from my proposal and orals! Now that I’m done with that mess, here’s a fun little tutorial that I’ve already found helpful for myself. Hopef...

End of the Year Review (Part III)

5 minute read

This post contains the last three question. The final two concern the phrase “your scientific approach”, which I found a bit vague. I asked my PI for clarifi...

End of Year Review (Part II)

3 minute read

It's rarely fun to admit your failures, but here's a list of things I didn't mange to pull off in 2015. What are the goals and milestones you missed in 2...

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End of Year Review (Part I)

5 minute read

My PI has requested that we answer a few questions as a reflection of the past year and as a mental preparation for the coming year. I figured it would be wo...

Calculating a Pearson Correlation Matrix

less than 1 minute read

     One of the great things about graduate school is you get to constantly realize how ignorant you are about how things work. If the domain name weren’t al...

Bot Battle

1 minute read

For those of you who don’t program, it may be hard to understand just how slow a process it usually is. Movies and other media don’t help this misunderstandi...

The Perceptron

less than 1 minute read

Today in lab meeting, during our bi-weekly “Idea Potluck”, I dropped the ball while explaining how perceptrons work. We were running short on time, so I rush...

Bioinformatics Software

1 minute read

This isn't a long post, but I read something interesting the other day and wanted to repost it. First, here's the link to the blog:  http://www.bioinf...

Excision Walkthrough

1 minute read

I take things too seriously sometimes. As far as I’m aware, I’ve always been like that. When I was a kid, I knew, deep down, that walkthroughs were bad. Mayb...

Excision Winner Announcement

less than 1 minute read

Congratulations to Ankur Sundara for being the first person to complete Excision! For his dedication and problem-solving abilities, he’s won the first place ...

Base Camp

3 minute read

Welcome to Excision. Before we set off on our adventure, I think it’s only fair to give you some provisions for your journey. They come mostly in the form o...

The Protein Folding Answer

4 minute read

I need to issue a disclaimer before anything else. The script below is most definitely NOT the answer to protein folding. In fact, I make no claims at all ab...


less than 1 minute read

Do you know the answer? Do you know the question?

The Protein Folding Problem

2 minute read

First, if you’ve never had the opportunity to visit xkcd, I highly suggest you do it. It’s a wonderful website. My personal favorite is the What If? feature....

Simple Sequence Similarity

7 minute read

I’ve mostly refrained from posting any of the code that I’ve been writing in the past months because the code seems scraped together in a “just get it done” ...

Syntax Highlighting

less than 1 minute read

I had to follow a few different explanations on how to employ syntax highlighting on Blogger before I found a set of instructions that worked. In case anyone...

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Be Right Back

1 minute read

I’m usually not a huge fan of television, but recently it has been convenient to watch an episode of something or other with my wife after dinner. I reason t...

Some Ethical Issues of Genomic Data

2 minute read

Yesterday I spent several hours attending an ethics class as well as a ethics/policy seminary. Both were great, and while I haven’t had a large amount of tim...

My First Rotation

1 minute read

     I’m giving my first poster talk of my graduate school career tomorrow, along with approximately half of my cohort (the other half had their posters toda...

What is Genomics?

less than 1 minute read

I just began my second of three rotations this week, so it’s been a busy transition time. But I thought I would share this short genomics video. It’s really ...

The Desktop

2 minute read

With my Birthday, Black Friday, and Christmas all right around the corner, I haven’t been able to keep myself from thinking about the possibility of purchasi...

What Did You Accomplish This Week?

2 minute read

A few weeks ago I was jokingly asked by a friend (who has never set foot in a lab) if I had made any great discoveries that week. I had just finished confirm...

Topic Results

less than 1 minute read

For anyone who’s curious how the survey is going, below is the current average with error bars showing one standard deviation. I didn’t bother with any t...

A Prelude (Part II)

2 minute read

This second “housekeeping” post is the last I have planned for establishing the essence of this blog, I promise. In the coming weeks I’ll get into some deepe...

Logistic Map

1 minute read

</link> </link> Been playing around with some of the math functions in Python. I think it’s really cool how such a simple formula can...

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